Arctic International Politics and Greenland's Foreign Policy, University of Greenland.
August, 2019 - January, 2020
The point of departure for this course was the question of what the geopolitical changes in the Arctic means to Greenland’s foreign policy opportunities and, related, its continuous nation-building process. The first part focused broadly on the international politics of the Arctic, while the second part zoomed in on Greenland’s foreign policy development within this context. By using international relations theories, current developments and potential scenarios were discussed in class, hence laying the foundation for the students' exam essays.
I organised and taught (30 hours) the entire course, which 26 students completed. These were mixed bachelor and master students from Greenland or abroad. Thus, the course was in English.
Greenland at the Crossroads: Climate Change, Global Arctic Interests and Regional Political Developments, University of Copenhagen.
August, 2016 - January, 2017
This primary focus of this course was the question of what Greenland can do with the overall ambition of increased self-determination in the context of a changing Arctic. By drawing on different theoretical approaches to security, (para)diplomacy and national identity politics, the class also discussed emerging geopolitics and governance questions, (post)colonial relations and Denmark's newfound Arctic attention.
I organised and taught (28 hours) the entire course which 55 students completed. These were mixed bachelor and master students; half from Denmark and the other half from elsewhere in the world. Thus, the course was in English.
International Political Theory, University of Copenhagen.
August, 2016 - January, 2017
This course introduced second year bachelor students to the key theories, issues and policy areas of international politics. It provided a basic understanding of the interplay between issues at different levels, and a foundational understanding of how to use various theoretical approaches when analysing how the international structures, organisations and processes set the framework for societal development, and how foreign policy actors engage in the power political order, the international society and the globalised world economy.
Approximately 300 students completed the course of which I was responsible for seminars of 50 students, 4 hours a week throughout the semester (28 hours of teaching).