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Public talks

  1.  Arctic Security: regional distinction and global connections. Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), 9 January 2025.

  2. Arctic and the World? Comparative Arctic GeopoliticsArctic Circle Assembly, Reykjavik, 17 October 2024.

  3. What new knowledge is needed for Arctic security and governance? Arctic Circle Assembly, Reykjavik, 17 October 2024.

  4. Arctic Governance. Study Abroad in Scandinavia (DIS), Copenhagen, 5 April 2024.

  5. Book launch: Greenland in Arctic SecurityRoyal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen, 7 March 2024.

  6. Shared security challenges and Nordic cooperation in the Arctic. Arctic Circle Assembly, Reykjavik, 19 October 2023.

  7. The Arctic and outer space: A common security dilemma?Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen, 10 May 2023.

  8. Arctic security and what the war in Ukraine means for the region. European Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin, 12 December 2022.

  9. Et rigsfælles forsvarsforlig. Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen, 9 November 2022.

  10. The Greenland Self-Government's enhanced foreign policy authority in the Arctic. Arctic Circle Greenland Forum, Nuuk, 27 August 2022.

  11. Arctic geopolitics. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Copenhagen, 22 August 2022.

  12. Denmark's Arctic foreign policy: regional ambitions and complications of the realm. Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge University, Cambridge, 7 December 2021.

  13. Security transfigurations across sectors: Animals, climate, and self-determination in GreenlandInternational Congress on Arctic Social Sciences, Arkhangelsk, 20 June 2021.

  14. Analyzing postcolonial Arctic security Copenhagen style. International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences, Arkhangelsk, 20 June 2021.

  15. From Peary to Pompeo: The History of the United States' securitizations of Greenland. International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences, Arkhangelsk, 20 June 2021.

  16. Greenland in Arctic security: Entangled (de)securitization dynamics under climatic thaw and geopolitical freezeCentre for Advanced Security Studies, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 16 June 2021.

  17. Analyzing the Greenland figurationGREENLAND-DENMARK 1721+300=2021, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, 11 June 2021.

  18. From Peary to Pompeo. The history of United States’ securitizations of GreenlandGREENLAND-DENMARK 1721+300=2021, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, 11 June 2021.

  19. Security transfigurations across sectors: Animals, climate, and self-determination in GreenlandCentre for Advanced Security Studies, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 12 May 2021.

  20. Struggles Over the Melting Arctic. Vermont Council on World Affairs, Vermont, 5 May 2021.

  21. From Peary to Pompeo: the history of United States' securitizations of GreenlandArctic Science Summit Week, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 25 March 2021.

  22. Greenland geopolitics in the light of renewed American attention. Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge University, Cambridge, 11 March 2021.

  23. Desinformation, Krigsudredning og Trumps interesse i Grønland, (convener), University of Greenland, Nuuk, 3 February 2020.

  24. Greenland’s Arctic sovereignty games, University of Greenland, Nuuk, 3 December 2019.

  25. Greenland’s Self-Government 10 years, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), (convener), Copenhagen, 3 June 2019.

  26. Greenland’s influence on Denmark’s foreign policy, (convener), Danish Association of Lawyers and Economists (DJØF), Copenhagen, 1 April 2019.

  27. Denmark’s Arctic aspirations, Arctic Politics Research Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 22 February 2019.

  28. Det geopolitiske stormagtsspil i Arktis, Danish Foreign Policy Society, Aarhus University,(convener), Aarhus, 28 November 2018.

  29. Science as a political currency in the Arctic, Arctic Circle Assembly, Reykjavik, 19 October 2018.

  30. Greenland’s Arctic advantage, Arctic Politics Research Seminar, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, 3 October 2018.

  31. Sustainable Arctic Mining?, International Studies Association Annual Convention 2018, San Francisco, 7 April 2018.

  32. The Kingdom of Denmark’s Arctic Science Diplomacy, Arctic Politics Research Seminar, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, 9 March 2018.

  33. Setting the Scene in Nuuk: introducing the cast of characters in Greenlandic foreign policy narratives, Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 13 December 2017.

  34. Many Arctics, Many Securities: Circumpolar International Relations in a Widened Security Perspective, International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences, Umeå University, Umeå, 12 June 2017.

  35. Mining and large-scale extraction as (sustainable) development of Greenland and Nunavut, International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences, Umeå University, Umeå, 11 June 2017.

  36. Desecuritization as Displacement Controversies: geopolitics, law and sovereign rights in the Arctic, CAST Research Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 31 May 2017.

  37. Desecuritization as Displacement Controversies: geopolitics, law and sovereign rights in the Arctic, Arctic Politics Research Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 19 May 2017.

  38. Danmarks udenrigspolitiske interesser i Arktis: perspektiver og prioriteter i lyset af Taksøe-udvalgets anbefalinger, Danish Foreign Policy Society, University of Copenhagen (coordinator and convener), Copenhagen, 4 May 2016.

  39. Uformelle kompetencer – en overset ressource på vejen mod et økonomisk bæredygtigt Grønland, Dansk Polarforskningskonference 2016, Aalborg University, Aalborg, 4 December 2015.

  40. The Politics of Sustainability and Postcolonial Sovereignty Games in the Arctic, Matchpoint Conference ’Sikkerhed og Styring i det Globaliserede Arktis: Nordiske og internationale Perspektiver, Aarhus University, Aarhus, November 13 2015.

  41. The Power of Collective Identity Narration: Greenland’s Way to a more Autonomous Foreign Policy, Arctic Politics Research Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 18 May 2015.

  42. Climate change and security in the Arctic, Breaking the Ice, Danish Cultural Institute in Riga, Riga, 15 December 2014.

  43. Greenland’s Foreign Affairs (1953-2014), The Greenlandic Society (Det Grønlandske Selskab), Copenhagen, 27 November 2014.

  44. Search and rescue challenges in Greenland, Arctic Frontiers, Tromsø University, 23 January 2014.


Media appearances


  1. Vuorela, Mikkel (2025). Det historiske trekantsdrama mellem Danmark, USA og Grønland byder på atombomber, ulykker og vilde visionerInformation, 24 January 2025.

  2. de Graffenried, Valérie (2025). Et si au final les provocations de Donald Trump profitaient au Groenland?Le Temps, 23 January 2025.

  3. de Graffenried, Valérie (2025). Trump, une opportunité pour le Groenland?. Le Temps, p. 3, 23 January 2025.

  4. Harmsen, Peter (2025). Ekstremernes tidWeekendavisen, 20 January 2025.

  5. Weiss, Emil (2025). Seks konsekvenser for Danmark, hvis Grønland løsriver sig. Jyllands-Posten, pp. 12-13, 19 January 2025.

  6. Hivert, Anne-Françoise (2025). Groenland : la crise diplomatique s’intensifie entre le Danemark et la future administration Trump. Le Monde, 17 January 2025.

  7. Fastrup, Niels & Quass, Lisbeth (2025). Efter verdensomtalt besøg: Nøglefigur i Trumps plan om at overtage Grønland mødte politiker i NuukDanish Broadcasting Corporation, 17 January 2025.

  8. Voller, Louise (2025). Hvad får vi egentligt ud af Rigsfællesskabet? Magt er det korte svarDanwatch, 15 January 2025.

  9. Lehmann, Chris (2025). Snart skal grønlænderne stemme: De er sårbare, når det gælder misinformation, advarer eksperterAltinget, 15 January 2025.

  10. Weiss, Emil (2025). Tusindvis af museumsgenstande skal måske retur: Her er seks konsekvenser for Danmark, hvis Grønland løsriver sigJyllands-Posten, 15 January 2025.

  11. Streihammer, Jürgen (2025). „Diese Krise ist für Grönland eine Chance“Die Presse, 15 January 2025.

  12. Bach, Jeppe Tholstrup (2025). Lektor roser Foghs Trump-kommentar: - Befriende, at det bliver sagt så direkteTV 2, 13 January 2025.

  13. Brawn, Steph (2025). Greenland and indy – why does Trump want it? The National, pp. 6-7, 12 January 2025.

  14. Jacobsen, Johanne Breum (2025). Med Trumps trusler som bagtæppe forhandler politikerne om forsvaret i Arktis​. Information, 12 January 2025.

  15. Brawn, Steph (2025). Will Greenland become independent and why does it matter to Trump? The National, 12 January 2025.

  16. Scheef, Manne (2025). Trumps Grønland: Sikkerhed, magt og egoEkstra Bladet, 11 January 2025. 

  17. Kayali, Laura & Cokelaere, Hanne (2025). Trump’s invasion of Greenland would be ‘the shortest war in the world’POLITICO, 10 January 2025.

  18. Olmo, Guillermo D. (2025). Por qué Groenlandia es parte de Dinamarca (y los intentos de Estados Unidos de comprarlaBBC News Mundo, 12 January 2025.

  19. Gozzi, Laura & Greenall, Robert (2025). Trump wants to take Greenland: Four ways this saga could goBBC News, 11 January 2025.

  20. Sceef, Manne (2025). KAMPEN OM DEN KOLDE Ø. Ekstra Bladet, 11 January 2025.

  21. Seibt, Sébastian (2025). Donald Trump et le Groenland : comme un éléphant dans un magasin de porcelaineFRANCE 24, 9 January 2025.

  22. BBC News (2025). Trump sees Greenland as key to national security. BBC, 8 January 2025.

  23. Vock, Ido (2025). Why does Trump want Greenland and what do its people think? BBC, 8 January 2025.

  24. Kantchev, Georgi (2025). What Trump Wants With GreenlandThe Wall Street Journal, 8 January 2025.

  25. ARD (2025). Tagesschau. 8 January 2025.

  26. Madsen, Anders Haubert (2025). Forskere forklarer: Derfor åbner grønlændere armene for USA., 8 January 2025.

  27. Bendtsen, Johan Varning (2025). Kan USA virkelig "købe" Grønland?. Kristeligt Dagblad, 8 January 2025.

  28. Hørkilde, Mads & Tidemann, Daniel (2025). Eksperter: Komplet selvstændighed er en»utopi«Berlingske, 8 January 2025.

  29. Jacobsen, Johanne Breum & Sæhl, Marie (2025). Trumps fornyede interesse for Grønland sender Danmark ud i en svær balanceøvelse. Information, 8 January 2025.

  30. Global News Podcast (2025). First deaths as wildfires wreak havoc in LABBC, 8 January 2025.

  31. Radio IIII (2025). Grønlænderne er udsat for racisme og grønlænderne er urealistiske. 8 January 2025.

  32. Sandager, Alberte Bay (2025). Grønland havde kun Danmark, indtil vigtigt øjeblik ændrede detTV 2, 8 January  2025.

  33. Bendtsen, Johan Varning (2025). Kan USA virkelig "købe" Grønland?Kristeligt Dagblad, 8 January 2025.

  34. Beim, Jakob Hvide (2025). Et rigsfællesskab uden Grønland vil forandre dansk forsvarPolitiken, 8 January 2025.

  35. Deutsche Welle (2025). The Day with Phil Gayle. 7 January 2025.

  36. Newshour (2025). French far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen diesBBC, 7 January 2025.

  37. Deutsche Welle (2025). Donald Trump Jr. visits Greenland amid father's interest. 7 January 2025.

  38. Global News. Trump doubles down on threats of U.S. control in Greenland as son visits country. 7 January 2025.

  39. Ritzau (2025). Sådan beskrives Trumps interesse for Grønland i udenlandske medier. 7 January 2025.

  40. Jacobsen, Johanne Breum & Sæhl, Marie (2025). Trumps fornyede interesse for Grønland lægger pres på DanmarkInformation, 7 January 2025.

  41. Vestergaard, Sine Furbo (2025). Trump vil have kontrol med Grønland: USA har allerede vide beføjelserBørsen, 7 January 2025.

  42. Bathon, Roland & Dudnik, Julia (2024). USA/Dänemark: Donald Trumps Griff nach Grönland – ein Glück für die Insel?Der Freitag, 31 December 2024. 

  43.  Go' Aften Live (2024). Iskoldt trekantsdrama. TV2, 27 December 2024.

  44. Sur, Debradita (2024). Denmark increased defense budget after Trump's Greenland plan — 'No coincidence'Daily Express U.S., 25 December 2024.

  45. Fung, Katherine (2024). Why Donald Trump Can't Actually Buy Greenland, According to ExpertsNewsweek, 23 December 2024.

  46. Sanger, David E. & Friedman, Lisa (2024). Trump’s Wish to Control Greenland and Panama Canal: Not a Joke This Time. The New York Times, 23 December 2024.

  47. Sørensen, Helle Nørrelund (2024). Ekspert: Grønland står med kæmpe opgave som værtsland for Arktisk RådKalaallit Nunaata Radioa, 30 August 2024.

  48. P1 Orientering (2024). Derfor er det så svært at blive enige om en fælles ArktisstrategiDanish Broadcasting Corporation, 27 August 2024.

  49. Dall, Anders (2024). Vigtigt formandskab venter forude, men rollefordelingen i rigsfællesskabet vaklerDanish Broadcasting Corporation, 27 August 2024.

  50. Paglia, Eric (2024). Securitization dynamics: Greenland's pivotal place in Arctic security configurationPolar Geopolitics, 15 April 2024.

  51. Kragh, Claus (2024). Kold krig og varmt klima stopper Grønlands flirt med Kina og Rusland. Mandag Morgen, 22 March 2024.

  52. Andersen, Marianne Krogh (2024). Kina har opgivet GrønlandAtuagagdliutit, pp. 12-23, 13 March 2024.

  53. Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa (2024). Qanorooq. 27 February 2024.

  54. Møller, Ann-Sophie Greve (2024). Grønland vil have førende rolle i Arktisk Råd: - Det handler om at have en selvstændig stemmeKalaallit Nunaata Radioa, 23 February 2024.

  55. Radio 4 (2024). Skal Grønland have lov til at bestemme mere over deres udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik? Ring til Radio 4, 26 February 2024.

  56. P1 Morgen (2024). Grønlands nye strategi viser en spirende realismeDanish Broadcasting Corporation, 22 February 2024.

  57. Veirum, Thomas (2024). Forsker: Forværret sikkerhedspolitisk situation præger ny strategiSermitsiaq.AG, 22 February 2024.

  58. Dall, Anders (2024). Eksperter om Grønlands ambitioner på udenrigs- og forsvarsområdet: Grønland definerer sig mere og mere i egen retDanish Broadcasting Corporation, 21 February 2024.

  59. Sikkerhedsudvalget (2024). Russiske atomvåben i rummet24 syv, 19 February 2024.

  60. Sørensen, Helle Nørrelund (2024). Rusland smækker kassen i over for Arktisk Råd: - Ikke økonomisk skidt, men en diplomatisk advarselKalaallit Nunaata Radioa, 15 February 2024.

  61. Dall, Anders (2024). Rusland truer med at forlade vitalt organ for samarbejde i Arktis. Danish Broadcasting Corporation, 9 February 2024.

  62. Hansen, Jacob Weinkouff (2023). Åbning af diplomatisk kontor tydeliggør USA's øgede engagement i Arktis, Kristeligt Dagblad, 12 June 2023.

  63. The Watch (2023). U.S. modernizes Pituffik (Thule) Space Base for Arctic forward operations, 15 May 2023.

  64. Bochove, Danielle, Marie Patino & Hayley Warren (2023). Russia's Next Standoff With the West Lies In the Resource-Rich ArcticBloomberg, 5 May 2023.

  65. Bye, Hilde-Gunn (2023). New Name for Thule Air Base in GreenlandHigh North News, 12 April 2023.

  66. Veirum, Thomas M. (2023). Godkendelse af russisk krav: Kan styrke en 'Arktis-nationalisme' i RuslandSermitsiaq.AG, 21 February 2023.

  67. Veirum, Thomas M. (2023). Putin sætter fokus på arktiske grænserSermitsiaq.AG,  30 January 2023.

  68. Veirum, Thomas M. (2023). Nyt træk i langvarigt 'skakspil': Canada udvider krav på Nordpolen betragteligtSermitsiaq.AG, 12 January 2023.

  69. Orientering Udsyn (2023). Kampen om NordpolenDanish Broadcasting Corporation, 9 January 2023.

  70. Hildebrandt, Sybille (2022). Økonomisk indsprøjtning i Thulebasen går til vedligehold fremfor forsvarIngeniøren, 22 December 2022.

  71. Bye, Hilde-Gunn (2022). USAs nye kontrakt for Thule Air Base: Vender tilbake til grønlandsk kontrollHigh North News, 21 December 2022.

  72. Bye, Hilde-Gunn (2022). The USA Awards New Contract For Thule Air Base: Reverting Back to Greenlandic ControlHigh North News, 19 December 2022.

  73. Ritzau (2022). Forsker i politik i Arktis: USA viser øget interesse i Arktis. 17 December 2022.

  74. NTB (2022). Ekspert: USA ruster opp på GrønlandForsvarets Forum, 17 December 2022.

  75. Nielsen, Silas Bay (2022). Dansk og grønlandsk glæde over Thule-aftale med USA: Det skal sikre flere arbejdspladserDanish Broadcasting Corporation, 17 December 2022.

  76. Keldorff, Peter (2022). Putin udvider i ArktisEkstra Bladet, 24 November 2022.

  77. Bendtsen, Johan Varning (2022). Ukraine-krigen forstærker Grønlands sårbarhedKristeligt Dagblad, 23 October 2022.

  78. Newshour (2022). Arctic geopolitics and governance in light of increased tensionAl Jazeera, 27 August 2022.

  79. Andersen, Keld Vrå (2022). Strid om omstridt ø er slut – imens er et dansk opgør med Rusland først lige begyndtTV2, 14 June 2022.

  80. Redaktionen (2022). Forsker: Grønland vil måske gå efter formandsposten i Arktisk RådSermitsiaq.AG, 19 April 2022.

  81. Hansen, Nukappiaaluk (2022). Eksperter: Amerikanerne får næppe kontrakten på PituffikSermitsiaq.AG, 16 February 2022.

  82. Qvist, Niels Ole (2022). Grønland har aldrig været vigtigereAtuagagdliutit, week 6, pp. 4-5.

  83. Dall, Anders (2022). Forsker stiller skarpt på magtforholdet mellem Grønland og DanmarkKalaallit Nunaata Radioa, 14 January 2022.

  84. Veirum, Thomas Munk (2021). Forsker vil dykke ned i Trump-tilbudSermitsiaq.AG, 13 December 2021.

  85. Nathansen, Bibi & Pedersen, Signe Haahr (2021). Forsker: Grønland snupper førersædet for den arktiske agenda i RigsfælleskabetKalaallit Nunaata Radioa, 11 June 2021.

  86. Go' Morgen Danmark (2021). Danmarks plads i storpolitisk spilTV2, 18 May 2021.

  87. Verden ifølge Gram (2021). Danmark klemt efter grønlandsk valg?Danish Broadcasting Corporation, P1, 13 April 2021.

  88. Ring til Due (2021). Ville du være ærgerlig over, hvis Grønland blev selvstændigt fra Danmark?. R4dio, 8 April 2021.​

  89. Newshour (2021). Greenland politics: Some Greenlanders see Mining as Means to Independence, Al Jazeera, 7 April 2021.

  90. Deadline (2021). Hvad vil valgets vinder?Danish Broadcasting Corporation, 7 April 2021.

  91. Agence France-Presse (AFP) (2021). Le Groenland aux urnes avec son avenir minier au cœur du débat, 6 April 2021. 

  92. TV Avisen (2021), Valg i Grønland: Stor international interesseDanish Broadcasting Corporation, 2 April 2021.

  93. Monocle (2020). Defense briefing: Denmark's mission to Greenland. December 2020.

  94. Breum, Martin (2020). Martin Breum: Ny Thule-aftale udvider Grønlands udenrigspolitiske albuerumAltinget, 4 November 2020.

  95. Humpert, Malte (2020). Greenland and U.S. Agree on Cooperation at Thule Air BaseHigh North News, 30 October 2020.

  96. Hivert, Anne-Françoise (2019). Le Groenland, bijou convoité de la couronne danoise dans l’Arctique, Le Monde, 9 September 2019.

  97. Skov, Sven Helms (2019). Aflyst klimaekspedition skaber irritation i Grønland, Politiken, 9 September 2019.

  98. China Global Television Network (CGTN) (2019). Greenland not for sale: Why the fuss?, World Insight with Tian Wei, 22 August 2019.

  99. Agence France-Presse (AFP) (2019). Denmark stunned as Trump scraps visit over Greenland snub, 21 August 2019.

  100. Moe, Ingeborg (2019). Derfor vil Trump ha Grønland, Aftenposten, 20 August 2019.

  101. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (2019). Donald Trump’s wish to buy Greenland deemed ‘unrealistic’, ABC The World, 20 August 2019.

  102. Grønning, Ragnhild (2019). Why Trump is looking to buy Greenland – even if it’s not for sale, High North News, 19 August 2019.

  103. Volpicelli, Gian (2019). Why on Earth would Donald Trump want to buy Greenland?, Wired, 17 August 2019.

  104. Hannestad, Adam (2019). Forsker: »Hvis USA ikke kan købe hele landet, så kan man måske leje nogle stykker af det«, Politiken, 16 August 2019.

  105. Bendtsen, Johan Varning (2019). Grønlændere siger nej tak til Donald Trump, Kristeligt Dagblad, 16 August 2019.

  106. Ingraham, Christoffer (2019). Trump wants to buy Greenland. How much would it cost?, The Washington Post, 16 August 2019.

  107. Philbert, Poul-Erik (2017). Arktis: et internationalt brændpunkt?, Polarfronten, nr. 1, 2017, 72-73, Det Grønlandske Selskab.

  108. Philbert, Poul-Erik (2017). En hurtig løsning, Polarfronten, nr. 1, 2017, 67-71, Det Grønlandske Selskab.

  109. Niiler, Eric (2016). As Glaciers Melt, Greenland Eyes Mining and a Thawing Nuclear Base, Discovery News, Seeker, 20 December 2016.

  110. McGwin, Kevin (2016). Northern Exposure, Arctic Journal, 14 June 2016.

  111. Korsby, Jakob Mygind (2014). Arktis: Profitjagt sikrer fred men truer befolkning med katastrofe, Ræson, 16 April 2014.

  112. Mulvaney, Kieran (2014). Arctic Nations Unprepared for Shipping Catastrophe, Discovery News, 12 February 2014.

  113. Maritime Executive (2014). Doubt Cast on Greenland Disaster Capabilities, 10 February 2014.

  114. Johannessen, Steen Ulrik (2014). Mock shipwreck reveals real holes in preparedness plans, Arctic Journal, 7 February 2014.

  115. Quaile, Irene (2014). Katastrophengefahr im Arktischen Eis?, Deutsche Welle, 7 February 2014.

  116. Quaile, Irene (2014). Rapidly moving Greenland glacier raises questions about long-term impacts, Alaska Dispatch, 6 February 2014.

  117. Johannessen, Steen Ulrik (2014). Krydstogtforlis har uhyggelige perspektiver, Sermitsiaq.AG, 31 January 2014, p. 21.


Journalistic writings

  1. Jacobsen, Marc (2020). The ICC’s 40th anniversary: International, regional and local perspectives as seen from Nuuk, High North News, 17 February 2020.

  2. Jacobsen, Marc (2020). Responding to the silencing of Arctic Cultures, High North News, 28 January 2020.

  3. Jacobsen, Marc (2019). What works for well-being in Greenland? Nature!, High North News, 19 December 2019.

  4. Jacobsen, Marc (2019). Kuupik Kleist: We Should take the Danish Realm more Seriously, High North News, 22 October 2019.

  5. Jacobsen, Marc (2019). Kuupik Kleist: The Cold War is Re-Introduced in Greenland, High North News, 21 October 2019.

  6. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Den internationale Arktis-forskning skal bidrage mere til lokalsamfundene. Sermitsiaq, 2018, week 43, pp. 32-33.

  7. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Grønland er stærkt repræsenteret ved Arctic Circle. Sermitsiaq, 2018, week 42, pp. 30-31.

  8. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Grønlands repræsentation i Island giver nye internationale muligheder. Sermitsiaq. 2018, week 44, pp. 32-33.

  9. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Ilulissat Erklæringen 10 år: Et fredeligt Arktis. Sermitsiaq, week 21, 2018, pp. 22-23.

  10. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). The Curious Case of Greenland’s Research Hub, High North News, 25 May 2018.

  11. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Greenland’s Foreign Minister: Arctic attention means a lot, High North News, 25 May 2018.

  12. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Ilulissat: Peace, Scientific Cooperation and Hans Island, High North News, 24 May 2018.

  13. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Faroese Foreign Minister: We definitely benefit from the Arctic attention, High North News, 24 May 2018.

  14. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Ilulissat Declaration’s 10-year anniversary, High North News, 23 May 2018.

  15. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Denmark’s Minister of Foreign Affairs: The Ilulissat Declaration Exemplifies Constructive Arctic Dialogue, High North News, 23 May 2018.

  16. Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Forward! Greenland’s new government in place, High North News, 18 May 2018.

  17. Jacobsen, Marc (2017). Til tops i Nunavut: ny regeringsleder tager magten på inuit manér, Sermitsiaq, week 48, 2017, pp. 36-37.

  18. Jacobsen, Marc (2017). Iqaluits borgmester: Nunavut kan lære meget af Grønland, Sermitsiaq, week 47, 2017, pp. 30-31.

  19. Jacobsen, Marc (2017). Tætte naboer, lang flyrejse, Sermitsiaq, week 46, pp. 18-19.

  20. Jacobsen, Marc (2017). Nunavuts nye regeringsleder: ”Jeg har altid set op til Grønland”,, 18 November 2017.

  21. Jacobsen, Marc (2017). Nunavut’s new Premier is Inuk with capital I, High North News, 20 November 2017.

  22. Jacobsen, Marc (2017). Tre stemmer, én delegation: Rigsfællesskabets taletid i Arktisk Råd deles mellem Danmark, Grønland og Færøerne, Sermitsiaq, week 20, pp. 28-29.

  23. Jacobsen, Marc (2017). Good bye USA, hyvää päivää Finland: Formandsskabet for Arktisk Råd skifter hænder i Fairbanks’, Sermitsiaq, week 19, pp. 28-29.


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