Marc Jacobsen
Associate Professor, Royal Danish Defence College

I am an Associate Professor at Royal Danish Defence College where I do research, teach and advise on Arctic security politics and diplomacy. I am currently writing a book in which I investigate how changing security dynamics affect the relationship between Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Island, and how their respective diplomats navigate in the region. That project is generously funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.
I obtained my PhD in Political Science from University of Copenhagen in 2019. Since then, I have worked as Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, post.doc. at University of Cambridge, Senior Fellow at The Arctic Institute and as External Lecturer at University of Greenland.
Together with Ulrik Pram Gad and Ole Wæver, I recently edited a book titled Greenland in Arctic security: (De)securitization Dynamics under Climatic Thaw and Geopolitical Freeze, published by University of Michigan Press.
Please see the top menu for more details and follow me on twitter @MarcArctic.